Thursday 18 September 2014

Yup, we've got a new commercial!  Hahaha.  What do you think?  Not quite as cheesy as the last one is it?

- Gabriel

Friday 5 September 2014

How long is lotion good for?

Well that's a pretty straight forward question, however I've seen some people milk that bottle of lotion for up to two years.  The easiest way to find out the manufacturers recommended time until the lotion expires is to look on the back.  In the picture  you'll see the arrow pointing to a little tub with a lid open and a number on it.  That number refers to how many months the lotion is good for once it's opened.  So you can keep it for sometime without opening it and it will remain perfectly fine to use, however I'd suggest you base (in this case) the 18 months on when you first buy the lotion.

Now this little symbol can be found all throughout the beauty/cosmetic industry, so you can start to look at other products you have in your bathroom  and you'll see these on moisturizers, gels, hairsprays, all sorts of things.

Another thing we're asked about is people leaving their lotions in their cars in the extreme heat or the extreme cold.  Once your lotion has heated up (it will usually become very watery) then it's no longer good.  The active ingredients which make it useful are gone, so it's time for a new lotion.  However when you freeze lotion, it "could" still be used, but most times it becomes clumpy so it's best to just throw it away.  In short, just try to always keep your lotions at room temperature to keep them at their best.

Happy Tanning Kiddos!


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Lotion Clearance Event!

Well it's that time of year again!  The time when the big lotion companies decide that some lotions need to go bub-bye to make room for others.  

Bad for them.
GREAT for you!

So basically what this means for you is that we blow out these lotions at 50% off!  So we're talking's already awesome prices, discounted even further.  So go ahead, arm your self with Promo Code: CLEARANCE and get over to the site and shop now because we have very limited stock on each of these 6 lotions, so they won't last long!

Safe tanning!


P.S.  I'm hoping we add more, and if we do, we'll let you know ASAP!

Clearance Lotions

Oh we know it's cheesy!

So were you one of the over 13,000 people who may have seen our first YouTube commercial playing this summer?  Well go ahead and watch it.... tell us what you think.  Go ahead, comment below.... we can take it!

HOWEVER!  We already know the following:
It's cheesy as hell!
It can be a bit annoying.
Can you say "Campy"
What do you mean they're not really twins!?!?!
Ooooo gurl that's a bad blonde wig!
And if you play it over and over and over and over it'll make you probably want to punch yourself in the face just to distract from it.

But hey, it's YouTube, and it was our first commercial.  So even if you hate it, we hope you still love it!

Remember!  Tan Safe!


P.S.  The best part?  We've got another one launching soon!  Muahahahahaaaa!!!!!

We're giving away more lotions!

So we've decided that we don't give enough away at so we're going to change that.  Each month (sometimes more) we're going to make sure we're giving away lotions to you, our awesome customers!  Now because we like to make things easy, you only need retweet a tweet, or enter your e-mail address to win.  None of this jumping through hoops stuff, because let's face it, that sucks.

So if you're not already following us on Twitter, get on it here:
And if you're not already aware of this months contest, get on it here:

Have an idea for another way to win?  Leave it in the comments below! Until then, enter now and enter often and good luck!

- Gabriel